A handbag!
The other day I bought a new handbag; a birthday present from my mum. She gave me the money as she is exceedingly generous but brutally unsentimental. (One year, at Christmas, she showed me proudly the piles of books that were our family's Christmas presents. Instead of a gift tag she'd put a post it note with our name on it. That was OK, but she wanted me to tell her it was a really good idea as well and I just couldn't manage that.)
Anyway, so I ripped all the stuffing out of this glamourous bag in the shop (olive leather, very square, can fit A4 documents + water bottle) and stuffed my old handbag in it. "There, " I thought. "It fits."
Anyway, so I ripped all the stuffing out of this glamourous bag in the shop (olive leather, very square, can fit A4 documents + water bottle) and stuffed my old handbag in it. "There, " I thought. "It fits."
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