: : crazybrave has moved to <a href="http://crazybrave.net">http://crazybrave.net/</a>: Alone in a crowd

Friday, July 30, 2004

Alone in a crowd

My husbang O has finished his old job and has gone on a mini-break to Melbourne. Leaving me alone with a toddler, a cat, a dog, a laptop and possibly too much wine. I have spent the evening reading the archives at Gianna's blog and having illicit fags on the back step.

After reading those archives, I am reminded of my very dear friend Beck, who witnessed a car accident with Deborah Mailman. They chatted briefly and Beck said she thought - you're so cool! I want to be your friend!

I love that her sensitivity and love for humanity is so apparent (Gianna, not Beck, obviously!), so unaffected, and so appreciated by thinking types,* even ones whose leanings I don't share. And I love that Angela Shannahan and Bettina Arndt shit her as much as they shit me. (I don't get why they cut all the slack one way, and why things always have to be cast in such stridently gendered and oppositional terms. And I must say, it is very nice to be able to call someone strident when they are. I'm all for accuracy.)

And as the parent of a cool little guy who was something of a suprise in a then short-lived but fortunately continuing relationship, I respect her strength and resilience and the amount of work she has done with her very attractive little Harley.

OK, and I'm a bit shit scared because this weekend I'm flying solo, with no Dad-dad 'til Monday night.

* forgive blog newbieism, I can't seem to link to the particular entry I'm talkin' about, which is headed "Downer's Tough Call on Spain, Philippines Right" ... which goes part way to explaining the "don't share" part.