: : crazybrave has moved to <a href="http://crazybrave.net">http://crazybrave.net/</a>: I want a party! And a pony!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I want a party! And a pony!

After hearing about Melbourne and Sydney playdates for bloggers, I felt all sad and left out. So I invited Kent, who is coming to Canberra, to meet up. If other Canberra bloggers and commenters would like to have a do of some kind in the first half of December, let me know. We could do a BBQ-y park type thing, as many of us (ie me) have little kids, or we could make someone else look after them for a while and go out and get shirtfaced. Or something.

bad pony
No, not like this, I want a nice pony.

In the meantime, how funny are jellyfish and TJ?