: : crazybrave has moved to <a href="http://crazybrave.net">http://crazybrave.net/</a>: On lost pleasures and new happinesses

Sunday, April 24, 2005

On lost pleasures and new happinesses

O took Sage out for a few hours this afternoon to Give Mummy A Little Break. I tried to read the paper, but that's not the pleasure it used to be for me.

The end of it was a Spectrum article about Jeff Purser and Ranko Marcovic. (Link here, but I wouldn't worry.) They run Templar films which is the production house which made Fat Pizza. They are really interesting men, with perceptive things to say, but the article (by Diana Plater) is stoopid. For example:

And Purser is the first to admit that Fat Pizza's characters are stereotypes, and the series and film are about as misogynist and "madonna-whore" as you can get (you love your mother but only have sex with the hot chicks)".

Really. Anyone who has watched much Fat Pizza at all will know that it's also common to have sex with fat and/or ugly chicks if they are the only ones who will root ya.

I can't see the point of handing over money to read that when I get to read stuff like this:

Laura from my new favourite Sorrow at Sill's Bend has written a beautiful literary detective Jane Austen Story.

David Tiley has an startling and gracious post about the lingering effects of the Queensland Dog Act's control of the lives of Aboriginal people.

anthony from spiceblog continues his adventures in Japan. After an unfortunate if understandable karaoke-related injury he has popped right back into form.

Rex in the city considers the legacy of the Anzacs. (I issue a snort warning for those who like to drink and compute.)

There has been lots of talk lately about whether blogs are influential, or civil, or the preserve of sad nerds. There has not been enough talk of the enormous quantity of really good writing that appears in blogs. Yay for blogs.