: : crazybrave has moved to <a href="http://crazybrave.net">http://crazybrave.net/</a>: huh?

Monday, February 27, 2006


I bought Sage some sneakers today from a new shop in a new part of Canberra, lots of aspirational houses and plenty of kids. The woman was lovely, and chatty, and the shop is only six weeks old so she still seems excited by it all.

In the course of our chatting, she said she'd lived near where I do, but had moved to send her daughter to an (Anglican) school out there. It hadn't worked out, so her kid's back at a Christian school in this part of town.

She was a paleontologist before opening the shop, and said she has significant trouble with Bibilical timelines. "Would you believe," she said wide eyed, "they're still teaching Creationism there?"

I find that a lot easier to believe than why a scientist who is un-Christian enough to live in a de facto relationship would send her kid to be educated in creationism by a Christian school.