: : crazybrave has moved to <a href="http://crazybrave.net">http://crazybrave.net/</a>: It's fucking cold!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

It's fucking cold!

... as Sage announced after walking out of daycare one afternoon this week. We try to be very careful not to swear around him, but it's been so freezing I think he's hearing it everywhere.

The onset of real, proper cold seems much more sudden this winter. I'm stuck wondering - as I do every year - whether it's freakishly cold this year. It's not.


I got home from the farmers' market today and found Sage and Owen smashing up sheets of ice in the backyard for kicks (although I won the "who can hold their hand in the freezing ice slurry the longest" competition. By a loooong way). This disc of ice is from the dog's water bowl, which on some days this week stayed frozen all day.